Current Landlords
Thank you for your participation in our Housing Choice Voucher program. Without your help, we would not be able to house nearly 2,000 low-income, elderly, and disabled households in our community. We understand that it's not easy being a landlord, so we do our best to make the Voucher process as easy as possible.
We recently sent out a notice to all current landlords with important changes. Click the notice below for the information.
Assistance Connect (Landlord Portal)
To gain access to the landlord portal, please go to and click "Create Owner Account". You will need your tax id number and the PIN provided in the registration letter to create your account.
Some of the services offered in the new portal right now include:
- Update your contact information
- Add authorized users to the account to be able to view information
- Update your contact information
- View Inspection information
- View and Print required documents
- Link to our On-line statement system, HAP Check
Services that will be available in the future:
- Reschedule Scheduled Inspections
- List vacant rental units for applicants and current participants to view
- Send in documents (i.e. rent increase notices)
- Contact Us or Send us Messages
HUD Landlord Newsletter 2024
HCV Landlord Newsletter Spring 2024
New Inspection Protocols (postponed to fall 2025)
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is transitioning to new inspection procedures. Below is the recent newsletter that HATC sent out to all current landlords. Click here for more information.
Rent Increase or Decrease:
If you are a landlord and would like to do a rent increase or rent decrease, please send the notice or use the Rent Increase Request to We are required to follow city and state guidelines. Rent Increases require advance notice per the following guidelines:
- Units in the City of Olympia (OMC 5.82)
- Requires 120 days' notice for rent increases over 5%
- Requires 180 days' notice for rent increases over 10%
- Units in the City of Tumwater (Tumwater Municipal Code 5.75.070)
- Requires 120 days' notice for rent increases over 5%
- Requires 180 days' notice for rent increases over 10%
- All other Thurston County units require 60 days' notice for any rent increase
Other information:
The Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract is the contract between the Housing Authority and the owner/landlord. To view the contract, click HAP Contract Rules.
- Landlord FAQ about Rent
- Lead-Based Paint Requirements
- A Good Place To Live (Helpful guide for inspections)
- Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection Form
How rent subsidy amount is determined:
The amount of rent that the participant pays is typically 30% of their income, if the unit that they rent is at or below our Payment Standard. If the participant chooses to rent a higher cost unit, they may pay up to 40% of their income towards rent.
You may find more information on the FAQ page for Landlords.
List a Unit:
Let us know if you have a unit available. We always have clients looking for a new home. You can list your unit one of two ways:
- Complete the Unit Listing form and email it to
- If you are current landlord and are already registered on our landlord portal, you can list a unit by logging onto the Assistance Connect portal and click the "List a Rental" button.